Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | earth | fountain | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DORR FELT OF CHICAGO SIONIHI KEY FOR KEYBOARD CALCULA ATING -MACHINES 982 416. Specifcation of Letters Patent Patented Jan. 24, 1911. Applica tion fled April 4 1910 Serial No 553,364 To all whom may concern: Be it known that DORR E FELT cit zen of the Lnited States: residing in cago ITI the county of Cook and State Ilfinois, have invented new and usefi Improvenient in Keys for Key board Ca culating Machines, of which the followir specification. This invention relat tes to the constru 10 tion of the keys of caleulating or other m chines having key boards whereby they opera ted or controlled. It is desirable 2 operating these machines that the the center operat place his finger squarely on 15 the keys because in that KEM he avoids pressing ad jacent keys with the ...